Christmas Time

Christmas is now coming to a close… I still feel superly Christmassy. I love Christmas, and this Christmas has been, I think, one of the best. I love my friends and family a super amount.

Spending time with friends and family at Christmas time is wonderful. I love seeing them at any time of year, but at Christmas time it just feels that bit more special.

Over the last almost year and a half I’ve been away from home more than I’ve been here. So this Christmas has been great as I’ve seen the majority of people that I wanted to see and I have loved it!

Christmas in my family goes a little like this. Mum, Dad, me and my brother spend the daytime together. We open presents. Dad cooks the Christmas dinner, every year it is delicious, this year he got the roast potatoes spot on! Later on in the afternoon usually around 4 or 5pm we go to my Grandma and Grandads, my brother stays for a couple of hours and then goes to his girlfriends. A bit later we have buffet dinner and watch the Strictly Christmas Special. This year we arrived back home about 10pm as I was showing my Grandparents photos from China. Once home the kettle goes on for a nice cuppa and then we slowly all drift off to bed.

Our Boxing Day tradition is to go to the seaside for fish and chips at Hunstanton. Once we’d eaten we went for a long walk down by the seaside, to blow the cobwebs away as my mum always says. I had such a lovely time.

Later on I nipped out to see some of my friends. We had a good chit chat, and played some games. Was lovely to catch up. Then once again I returned home. Boxing Day complete ❤️
